Stove PrPrairie Beetle Workshop
We had a huge turnout for the Stove Prairie Beeltle Workshop and Tour on Saturday. Thanks for all who took the time to attend. Please consider becoming a Tree Farmer so we can continue to provide practical information and host informative workshops like this. Contact Mike Hughes for details.
It was suggested that the next workshop emphasize ways in which landowners can partner to share costs and accomplish more than they could individually. We're working on it. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, more information on some of the methods used to treat infested wood will be published in these email alerts soon.
Boulder Sort yards/Collection Sites
Boulder County is trying to establish new sites for collecting and treating beetle infested wood. A public hearing will take place on March 2nd. If you live in the Boulder area, you may want to have some input. See the notice.
Golden Landowners Meeting
The Colorado State Forest Service-Golden District in conjunction with Colorado Tree Farmers Association will be holding an informational meeting on Monday March 16th 2009 at 6:30 pm. Topics will include: “Fact and Fiction about the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic in Colorado”, and starting a Tree Farm chapter in the Golden area.
Free Forest management manuals will be available to all attendees. Please bring a friend or neighbor. See the notice.